Cultivating Flowers - Part 2

Disbudding - This is the method of plucking out buds, before they bloom, from the stems of the plant - leaving only 1-2 buds on the stems. This method lets the plant to concentrate its total strength on the existing buds and that result in the Flowering of large and eye-treating Flowers. This process is a favored one for gardeners who cultivate the breeds like Carnations, Dahlias and Chrysanthemums.

- While drying out, withered blossoms leave seeds. If this seed production once begins, then the Flowering plant stops blooming and produces seed-heads instead of Flowers. Thus deadheading, or removing (by chopping off) parched Flowers from the plants is a very sane practice which discards seed production and heightens blossoming of Flowers. The most fitted way to accomplish deadheading is to trim the long Flower stem back to an outer-front bud that is on the top of a seven-leaflet or five-leaflet leaf. Benefiting both annual and perennial Flowering plants, deadheading also reduces the probability of the molesting plant disease called Botrytis (Necrotrophic Fungus). Garden scissors for light stems and pruning shears for stout ones are use to exercise the task of deadheading.

Pinching - A technique mostly useful for perennial Flowering plants, pinching benefits in keeping the plants compact and condensed and thereby Flowering all the more thickly. Flower stems can be literally pinched manually by holding them in between of thumb and forefinger and garden scissors and pruning shears can also be used for speedy effect. Flower Snip can also be used to do pinching by cutting off 8 cm or such measure of the upper portion of a plant which has grown up to 30 cm during spring and mid-summer. Using Flower snip lets the cut stem branch many more new stems and the result is bunches of tiny but many Flowers. Pinching through Flower snip is practiced on a regular basis on the plants of Asters and Chrysanthemums. The mode of shearing is a faster substitute to pinching that is done by removing the upper 6 inches or 15 cm of the plant ahead of midsummer through the tools of garden scissors and pruning shears. Shearing is mainly practiced over plants which become bony and jungly to keep them firm and close. Blooming restarts in plants after 1-2 weeks of shearing. Pinching is carried out over fall bloomer perennial plants during the early season by uprooting one-third portion of the plants as they grow up to the height of 6 inches for effecting birth of more Flower buds in them. Exercise of this pinching technique on fall perennial plants each 2nd and 3rd week till the commencement of the month of July results in blooming of denser Flowers in them.

Cutting Back - This method is availed to make the plant more robust with more stems and therein able to reproduce more Flowers. When the plant grows up to an extent of 6-8 inches, it should be reduced to one-third for sprouting of new stems. After one month of growth, the plant again needs to be cut back to one-third. This total process aids in increasing the plant's energy and making it much sturdy with stronger stems and numerous Flowers.

Watering - While watering the Flowers, the target area should be the roots of the plants and not the leaves. For Flower beds and annual Flowering plants, the congregation of roots is over the above 6 inches of the soil and for perennial Flowering plants, the roots are present over the top 12 inches of the soil. At the time of giving water to the Flowers, it should be kept in mind that not only one root point but all the openings are getting water. For this purpose, watering should be done circling the plant base as that would also help the plant in absorbing more nutrients from the soil. Early morning is the best time to water Flowers and as for the frequency of watering, the general opinion remains that drenching the Flowers once or twice in a week is the best and for the growing season one inch of water every 7-10 days is needed. Watering profusely one time is much preferable than watering miserly recurrently. (For the Flowering plants in tubs and containers, watering becomes necessary only when the top 1 inch of the potting mixture turns parched.) Regarding the apparatus for watering, Soaker Hose and a wholesome Drip Irrigation System are the best choice.

Alongside of these 5 specific floriculture methods, the regular practice of getting rid of the dead fallen leaves from the garden ground for preventing pests and certain ailments affect the Flowering plants also help in the endeavor of taking care of the very precious Flower garden. Another fact to be kept in mind is that since plants need to start hardening off for the season of winter, Flower cutting processes should be stopped after 1st October.

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Posted on: 4/6/2019 12:08:36 PM

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