★ 100% Hygiene Maintained ★
This flower bouquet contains:
� 7 Pink Asiatic Lilies with Green Color Morpankhi Fillers
� Wrapped in Pink Color Non Woven Tissue Paper
This exquisite Pink Delight Bouquet features 7 stunning Pink Asiatic Lilies, beautifully complemented by lush Green Morpankhi fillers. Each lily symbolizes love and passion, making this arrangement perfect for any romantic occasion or to simply brighten someone�s day. Wrapped with care in soft pink non-woven tissue paper, it adds an elegant touch to the overall presentation. Ideal for anniversaries, birthdays, or just because, it�s a delightful gift that speaks volumes. Whether placed in a vase or given as is, this bouquet is sure to spread joy and warmth. Let these lovely flowers convey your feelings beautifully!
Price: Rs. 1629/- $ 19.16
Earliest Delivery : 23-Feb
Remote location may take one day more
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